Annual General Meeting – 16th March 2002





  • Welcome – Paul Roberts, Chairman welcomed all present, and the meeting was called to order.


  • Chairman’s Report – Paul spoke of the success of the Clubs first year, the encouraging growth of the Club, and the intention to build upon the success of our first year in the coming months.


  • Secretary’s Report – Ewan spoke of the success of the events of the first year, and the discounts that are available to full members. Thanks was expressed to the suppliers that have supported the club, and members were reminded to check for discounts available, and to keep on recommending new suppliers to be added to the lists.


  • Treasurer’s Report – Simon distributed the accounts, and gave an overview of the income and expenditure to date, and items of forthcoming expenditure, mainly renewal of the PO box, payment to 3Si for web hosting, and outlay on merchandising.


Acceptance of accounts – vote proposed by Paul Roberts, seconded by Ewan Kingham, acceptance was unanimous.


  • Election of officers – Officers for the coming year were proposed and voted for. There were no new nominations, and all current officers agreed to stand again. All nominated officers were unanimously accepted


  1. Chairman – Paul Roberts proposed by Ewan Kingham, seconded by Stevie Robb
  2. Secretary – Ewan Kingham proposed by Paul Roberts, seconded by Simon Fitzpatrick
  3. Treasurer – Simon Baker proposed by Stevie Robb, seconded by Simon Fitzpatrick



  • Election of other officers -Paul and Ewan spoke of a need to find additional officers to assist in areas of focus for the coming year. The following positions were identified; it was agreed that these positions would be filled in the near future. There were no volunteers immediately forthcoming at the AGM, persons will be sought and recruited at the discretion of the executive officers.
    1. PR Officer – to ensure that GTOUK is given regular and accurate coverage in the magazines etc. The option of advertising was raised, the consensus was that this would be a good idea, the committee to investigate and evaluate the costs involved
    2. Merchandiser
    3. Regional co-ordinators


  • Matters arising – A number of matters were bought forward for discussion and feedback, as follows


  1. Web site, future direction – It was noted that ongoing development of the web site is important to the growth of the club, and that further assistance with maintaining and updating the information would be beneficial. Offers of assistance were noted from Anis and Simon Edwards, these will be followed up by EK and PR, with the possible formation of a group to look at developing the site.


  1. Reformation of membership scheme – A proposal was put forward to amend the type of membership, such that there will in future be Full Members, who will pay to join and will be afforded the full benefits of GTOUK membership; and Board Members, who will have access to the forums and all web content except that reserved for full members contained in the members section. Board Members will be sent details of club activities, but will not be entitled to the subsidised benefits of full membership. It was pointed out that there had been confusion over the status of the two parts of the previous membership scheme, and that the Gold/Standard membership had been intended as a transitional policy until the club had become established.

The new proposal was put to a vote and was unanimously supported. Action will be taken to amend the details on the web site and the constitution to reflect the changes.


  1. Subscription rates for 2002 – New subscription rates were proposed, with the introduction of a renewal rate for existing Gold (now Full) Members and a reduced rate for new members joining in the second six months of the Club year. The proposal was unanimously accepted, rates as follows

Fee to join as a new member                                      £25.00

Fee to renew existing membership                             £15.00

Fee to join as a new member after September            £15.00

It was pointed out and noted that renewal of membership is subject to a 2 month window, after which (as per the Constitution) membership will be deemed to have lapsed, and the individual will need to register as a new member, and pay the corresponding fee.



  1. Merchandise – it was proposed to use club funds to develop GTOUK branded merchandise for the coming year, the target being to have items ready for JAPS and JAE this year. Funds will be used to develop the graphics required, and purchase quantities necessary to obtain good prices for the items, mainly mugs, t-shirts, window stickers etc. This was accepted by all as a good idea, the executive to take this action forward immediately. It was suggested that  some of these items could be included in the welcome packs, this will be taken under consideration by the club committee.


  1. Future events – This years events will be built upon the successes of last year. Paul stated out intention to promote JAE as the main GTOUK event of the year, further regional events will be pursued, assistance was requested to identify events to be held outside the southeast and midlands.


  • Any other business – none arising


  • Close of meeting – Paul Roberts called the meeting to a close, and thanked those attending for their time and support.


Attendance: the following Gold members attended the meeting:


Kevin Auden        Kevin Hodgson           Anis El-Mariesh          Tony Parkes

John Clarke           Stevie Robb                Mark Beales                Frankie Brannan

Simon Edwards    G Penham                   Brendan Fennell          Andre Edmunds

Sajid Moghul        Paul Roberts               Simon Fitzpatrick       Ewan Kingham

Simon Baker